
عرض المشاركات من يونيو 23, 2023

فرحتكم و فرحتنا كبيرة اليوم حضرت فطوري معاكم و قعدة مع دارنا

 فرحتكم وفرحتنا كبيرة اليوم حضرت فطوري معاكم و قعدة مع دارنا 

Orcas attack sailboats during an international race: "A dangerous moment"

 Orcas attack sailboats during an international race: "A dangerous moment" Two sailing teams taking part in a race around the world had a chilling encounter with a pod of orcas on Thursday afternoon, race officials said. Both teams participate in The Ocean Race, an international competition that also collects climate data. The race has seven legs around the world, but the two boats that encountered the killer whales are competing in a smaller three-stage version of the competition, called The Ocean Race VO65 Sprint. One boat was crewed by the JAJO team, a band from Amsterdam. The other is driven by Mirpuri Trifork Racing, a team from Portugal. The boats were crossing the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar when the encounter happened around 2.50am local time, the organization said in a press release. Jelmar van Beek, skipper of the JAJO team, reported that there were several killer whales involved. Both teams said there was no damage to the boats and reported no injuries, but sa...

Delivering mail in war-torn Ukraine: 'There are still people living here'

 Delivering mail in war-torn Ukraine: 'There are still people living here' RIGA, Latvia — Russia's Federal Security Service on Friday night announced a criminal case against Wagner's mercenary leader Yevgeniy Prigozhin, accusing him of "inciting armed rebellion" after declaring open conflict with Russia's military rulers. and called on the Russians to join 25,000 Wagner fighters against Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and other top commanders. Prigozhin, whose private military company helped Russia seize the Ukrainian town of Bakhmut, Moscow's only significant territorial gain this year, accused the Russian military on Friday of carrying out a strike on a Wagner camp , and seemed to threaten Shoigu, declaring "This scum is going to be arrested!" In a rare late-night statement, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said President Vladimir Putin had been briefed on the situation and "all necessary steps" were being taken. Security was tighte...

Sous-marin disparu : comment le Titan a-t-il pu imploser ? - C à Vous - 23/06/2023 Missing submarine: how could the Titan implode? - C to You - 06/23/2023

Sous-marin disparu : comment le Titan a-t-il pu imploser ? - C à Vous - 23/06/2023 Missing submarine: how could the Titan implode? - C to You - 06/23/2023   Titan is the largest moon of Saturn, and it is also the second-largest moon in the solar system. It was discovered by the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens in 1655 and is named after the Titans of Greek mythology. Here are some key facts about Titan: Size and Composition: Titan has a diameter of about 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles), making it larger than the planet Mercury. It is the only moon in our solar system with a substantial atmosphere. The atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen, with trace amounts of methane and other hydrocarbons. Surface Features: Titan's surface is shrouded in a thick, hazy atmosphere, making it challenging to observe its features directly. However, multiple space missions, including the Cassini-Huygens mission, have provided valuable data. Titan has a diverse terrain, including vast dunes, m...

محلا عيشة الريف 🥰 وصفة خبز الطابونة ناجحة ، لمة ناس البسيطة / خبز و سلاطة مشوية و كويس تاي

محلا عيشة الريف 🥰 وصفة خبز الطابونة ناجحة ، لمة ناس البسيطة / خبز و سلاطة مشوية و كويس تاي  

ندمت اللي محضرتهاش من قبل/اروع وصفة للقاطو جنواز

  ندمت اللي محضرتهاش من قبل/اروع وصفة للقاطو جنواز Day 1: Dear Diary, Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life as a Tunisian mother. My heart is filled with joy and anticipation as I hold my precious newborn in my arms for the first time. My baby's arrival has brought immense happiness and a sense of responsibility. Day 5: Time seems to be flying by so quickly, and each day brings new challenges and joys. I find myself adapting to the rhythm of motherhood, constantly learning and growing alongside my little one. From late-night feedings to diaper changes, every moment spent with my baby is filled with love and a profound sense of purpose. Day 10: As a Tunisian mother, I am committed to providing the best for my child. I want to instill in them a deep appreciation for our cultural heritage and values. From storytelling sessions about Tunisia's rich history to introducing traditional Tunisian dishes, I hope to pass down the essence of our identity and foster a sense ...


  Algeria Title: Discovering the Enchanting Charms of Algeria: The Gateway to North Africa Introduction: Algeria, a North African country, is a land of captivating beauty and cultural richness. With its diverse landscapes and fascinating history, Algeria offers a unique and enticing experience for travelers. In this article, we delve into the allure of Algeria, exploring its historical heritage, natural wonders, and vibrant culture. Historical Heritage: Algeria boasts a rich historical heritage that spans millennia. The land has been inhabited by various civilizations, including the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs, and Ottomans. Each civilization has left its mark, contributing to the country's cultural tapestry. Notable historical sites such as Timgad, Tipasa, and Djémila offer glimpses into Algeria's ancient past and architectural marvels. Natural Wonders: Algeria is blessed with diverse and breathtaking landscapes. From the Sahara Desert, one of the world...


 TUNISIA  Title: Exploring the Richness and Charm of Tunisia: A Jewel of North Africa Introduction: Tunisia, a North African country, is a land steeped in history and brimming with cultural diversity. With its captivating heritage and picturesque landscapes, Tunisia has emerged as a renowned tourist destination in the region. In this article, we delve into various aspects of Tunisia, ranging from its historical significance to its current economy and vibrant culture. Historical Significance: Tunisia boasts a rich history that dates back to several influential civilizations. The land has been influenced by the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Arabs, Turks, and the French, leaving an indelible mark on its cultural fabric. Throughout the ages, Tunisia held prominence as a center of culture and science, especially during the Middle Ages. In the 18th century, Tunisia fell under Ottoman rule, which lasted until the 19th century when it became a French colony. French domination persiste...


تونس تونس هي دولة تقع في شمال أفريقيا وتعتبر واحدة من الدول العربية. تمتاز تونس بتاريخها الغني وثقافتها المتنوعة، وتعد وجهة سياحية شهيرة في المنطقة. في هذه المقالة، سنلقي نظرة عامة على بعض جوانب تونس، بدءًا من تاريخها وانتهاءًا بالاقتصاد والثقافة الحالية. تونس لها تاريخ قديم يعود إلى العديد من الحضارات المهمة. شهدت البلاد تأثير الفينيقيين والرومان والفنيسيين والعرب والأتراك والفرنسيين على مر العصور. واحتلت تونس مكانة بارزة في العصور الوسطى كمركز للثقافة والعلوم في المنطقة. في القرن الثامن عشر، تمت السيطرة العثمانية على تونس واستمرت حتى القرن التاسع عشر عندما أصبحت البلاد إحدى المستعمرات الفرنسية. وقد استمرت السيطرة الفرنسية حتى الاستقلال في عام 1956. بعد الاستقلال، تحققت تونس تحولاً سياسياً واقتصادياً هاماً. شهدت البلاد عدة فترات حكم متتالية، وتمت العديد من التحولات الديمقراطية. وتعد ثورة الياسمين التي وقعت في عام 2011 من أبرز الأحداث التي شهدتها تونس، وقد أدت إلى إسقاط الرئيس السابق وبدء مسار جديد نحو الديمقراطية. من الناحية الاقتصادية، تعد تونس واحدة من أكبر اقتصادات شمال أفريقيا. يع...

من انجح وصفات الكرواسون بدون زبدة و لا بيض

من انجح وصفات الكرواسون بدون زبدة و لا بيض كاس حليب ما يعادل 200 مل مغرفتين كبار خميرة فورية أربع مغارف سكر صغار / أو مغرفتيين كبااار معبين. سكر نخلطوهم بعد 15 دق نظيفو الملح / الفارينة من 3كاس الى 4 نعجنها نخليها ترتاح ساعة من بعد نشكلهاا كيف معملت و نخليها نصف ساعة ترتاح الفور 180 درجة . 10 دق من تحت و 5 دة من فوق A glass of milk is equivalent to 200 ml Two scoops of instant yeast Four small scoops of sugar/or two large scoops packed. sugar Mix them after 15 minutes Clean Salt / mouse from 3 cups to 4 We knead it, let it rest for an hour Then we shape it as it was made and let it rest for half an hour Immediately 180 degrees. 10 beats from below and 5 beats from above